Student residence permit in Hungary

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    Residence permit in Hungary for study or through language courses

    Студенческий ВНЖ

    A student residence permit in Hungary allows you to stay in Hungary longer than 90 days and to travel to Schengen countries and the European Union.

    Студенческий ВНЖ
    Hungary is proud of its centuries-old educational traditions and its important contribution to the world's intellectual heritage, with 14 Nobel Prize winners coming from Hungary.
    Студенческий ВНЖ
    Studying in Hungary is a great option for those who want to get a residence permit in Europe.
    Студенческий ВНЖ
    Affordable (from €2,500 per year) and high quality education
    Студенческий ВНЖ

    The best Hungarian UNIVERSITIES:

    1. Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
    2. Corvinus University of Budapest
    3. Budapest Metropolitan University
    4. University of Debrecen
    5. Semmelweis University
    6. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
    7. Budapest Business University
    8. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) and others
    Студенческий ВНЖ

    Students receive a Hungarian residence permit on the basis of a letter from the university confirming that the foreign national is actually enrolled at a higher education institution in Hungary.

    including intermediary services.

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    30 years of experience of our employees. Hungarian lawyer, Hungarian lawyers, migration experts, marketers, analysts work with us, IT specialists, translators and a team of Hungarian accountants


    30 years of work in the consulting business

    Successful consulting work goes on 30 days a month, always with a positive result with citizens of the any foreign countries.
    We respond to your messages, emails and requests with lightning speed!

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