Сотрудничество с компанией Coffeetuned мы начали летом 2021. Сначала все шло, как обычно, мы все распланировали, разработали дорожную карту и план переезда бизнеса и двух семей с маленькими детьми в Венгрию.
До этого в Венгрии был только Александр, когда был ребенком, с экскурсией, Евгений в Европе не был.
Параллельно подготовки ВНЖ, партнеры взяли у нас пакет по обслуживанию своей венгерской компании у нашей бухгалтерии.
Изначально планировалось, что ребята со своими семьями будут подаваться на визу Д из Москвы, но мировая и политическая ситуация поменяла их планы. Сначала Казахстан, затем Армения и подача из Грузии в марте 2023, в мае 2023 коллеги получили положительное решение и вклеили заветную въездную визу Д, в июне забрали свои карточки ВНЖ выданные на два года.
Александр и Евгений уже оставляли нам приятные слова благодарности на нашем сайте, мы уже публиковали их в нашем телеграмм канале, прочитать можно здесь, здесь и здесь.
Юристы, эксперты, профильные специалисты хорошо поработали.
Отвечала за этот кейс и руководила командой Арина. Она и ее команда отлично справились с поставленной задачей. Четверо взрослых и трое маленьких детей, одна из них школьница младших классов, что всегда на практике усложняет кейс (требуется больше бумаг), все получили карточки ВНЖ на два года.
Мы очень переживали за ребят, кейс получился у них немного затянутым по сторонним причинам, но главное у них в руках заветные карточки, которые дали старт начала долгой и интересной жизни в Венгрии, в которой их детям гарантирована спокойная и счастливая жизнь, а их венгерской компании процветание и хорошую прибыль.
Выпить самый вкусный кофе в центре Будапешта и за рекомендациями к ребятам о работе с нами и нашей компанией IST Hungary в https://t.me/coffeetuned
На фото: Заединов Александр и Ершов Евгений сооснователи и соучредители COFFEETUNED кофе,
наш руководитель и генеральный директор компании IST Hungary Игамназаров Тимур.
Адрес кофейни COFFEETUNED: Budapest, Jókai u. 24, 1066 Венгрия.
Мы заслужили ещё один очень хороший отзыв о нашей работе.
Спасибо Вам за Вашу высокую оценку!
Мы очень старались и переживали за Вас.
Вы молодцы, прошли большой путь и скоро мы встретимся в Будапеште!
Ещё раз примите наши искренние поздравления!
Новый российский инвестор получил ВНЖ Венгрии на два года.
Мы зарегистрировали венгерскую компанию партнеру в январе 2023 г., собраны документы за три недели в январе и подача так же была в конце января в Москве.
Виза D и карточка ВНЖ сроком на два года, получена партнером в марте (2023).
Кейс получения ВНЖ Венгрии для гражданина РФ по бизнесу и его членам семьи.
За рекордно короткий срок нашему партнеру и всей его семье была ободрена въездная виза D в Венгрию.
Компанию мы зарегистрировали партнеру в январе месяце, три недели мы совместно работали над документами, для подачи на долгосрочный вид на жительство.
Подача на ВНЖ Венгрии была в конце февраля 2023 и в марте 2023 пришло положительное решение из Будапешта.
Процесс получения ВНЖ Венгрии «под ключ» получился чуть более месяца в общем.
Наша команда поздравляет партнеров с быстрой релокацией в нашу прекрасную Венгрию.
С Вами приятно работать, тем более мы продолжаем сотрудничество по обслуживанию Вашей новой компании.
Спасибо, что выбрали нас!
- In April 2022 , two founders of the company approached us with the following goals:
- Opening of the Hungarian company Kft. and advice on opening a commercial bank account
- The documents were submitted directly in Budapest at the migration office. Our team convinced the migration police that the partners applied for a residence permit from Hungary, bypassing the entry visa D. By law, citizens of the Russian Federation must submit documents at their place of permanent residence and receive an entry visa D. This is a unique case!
Process – Result
- Until the end of April 2022, a Hungarian company was registered
- A contract for accounting and business services has been concluded
- In mid-May 2022, all the necessary documents were submitted to obtain a long-term residence permit
- At the end of June 2022, two owners of the company received a Hungarian residence permit
- In March 2022 , a team of investors approached us with the following goals:
- Opening of the Hungarian company Kft.
- Opening of commercial accounts in Hungarian banks Conclusion of an accounting service agreement for a new Hungarian company
- Consultations on obtaining a residence permit for 2 years for the team of investors and directors of the company
Process – Result
- In March 2022, a new Hungarian company was registered by our Hungarian lawyer;
- Contracts for accounting services and business consultations for a new Hungarian company have been concluded;
- A business service contract has been concluded with our Hungarian company IST Hungary Kft. >
- At the end of July 2022, all the necessary documents were submitted to obtain a long-term residence permit at the Hungarian Consulate in the Russian Federation
- At the beginning of September 2022, investors received a Hungarian visa D
- In October, investors received residence permit cards for 2 years
In September 2022, a new Hungarian company approached us to correct documents and the situation. The client was in despair because he was worried and was waiting for the refusal of the D visa.
- We didn’t open the company for them. A third-party company offered our client only instructions for applying for a residence permit for a small amount of money.
- We conducted consultations for the client on business immigration for the founder and CEO of the company (residents of the Russian Federation);
- Legal services and consultations on the preparation of employment contracts with citizens of non-EU countries, as well as with citizens of Hungary;
- Conducted an analysis and study of documents. We came to the conclusion that the documents were not collected correctly and there are not enough important documents for the company to obtain a Hungarian residence permit.
Process – Result
In accordance with the request received from the Hungarian company, we provided the following consulting services:
- In September 2022, a consultation was held with our immigration expert, accountant, lawyer and a plan for immigration and business options in Hungary was developed;
- Consultations were held on the preparation of missing documents to speed up the process of obtaining a residence permit for the founder, director and his family members. Without these documents, there would be no approval for a D visa!
- An agreement for accounting and business consulting services has been concluded;
- Variants of employment contracts have been prepared for employees of the new Hungarian company to ensure the possibility of hiring employees from around the world;
- In November 2022, the founder of the company, the CEO and his family members received residence permit cards.
The case of obtaining a Hungarian residence permit 🇭🇺 for 2 years for citizens of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺 for work and business.
- * The investor turned to us to advertise his business in Hungary.
- At the first stage, we assisted in the registration of a new Hungarian company.
- The founders and investors of the company received a residence permit in Hungary and relocated their employees (citizens of the Russian Federation), who received entry visas D and residence permit cards for work for 2 years.
- The documents were submitted in October 2022 and the entry visa was received at the end of December 2022.
- All employees, investors, owners of the company and all their family members, with our support and constant consultations, received a long-term residence permit for several years.
- In November 2021, representatives of a well-known company Broniboy.ru we contacted our company immigrationlive.hu a request to provide consulting and consulting services for the registration of a new company in Hungary in Budapest.
- From December 2021 for the company Broniboy.ru accounting support of the business was organized. Separately, our clients have asked us to provide advice on the following issues:
- Features of business relocation to Hungary;
- Organization of office rental to create an HQ office in the European Union in Budapest;
- Business relocation of the founders, employees and top managers of the company with the possibility of obtaining a Hungarian residence permit; Legal advice from our Hungarian lawyers.
Process – Result
- Within one week, a new Hungarian company was registered by our Hungarian lawyer;
- Comprehensive consultations were held on the relocation of the company’s business and employees to Hungary;
- A contract for accounting and business services has been concluded;
- The founders, directors of the company and their families received a long-term residence permit in Hungary for 2 years.
Reviews on the provision of the “White card” service (a residence permit on a “white card” / a digital nomad visa)
Reviews on the provision of a residence permit for the purpose of “Family reunification”
Reviews on the provision of services and consultations on
“Student residence permit in Hungary”
Reviews from our partners about business consulting
I had the pleasure of Timur working with us at FastForward.ai. As the Adviser, Timur was very professional in the sales and negotiation processes with top global companies.
I would especially note his sociability, responsibility, sense of humor and intelligence.
I enthusiastically recommend Timur as a leader skilled in the ability to connect with and build long-term successful relationships with clients and their decisions makers.
I would like to inform you that we have conducted a cashback program with Home Credit and Finance Bank and it has increased our sales during the implementation period. I would like to thank Timur IGAMNAZAROV for his contributions.
Timur is professional and effective in his approach to work and is highly respected by his colleagues and partners. It works well, both as a team and independently. He also personally developed several unique sales techniques and launched a number of marketing activities, which led to a significant increase in profits, both of Home Credit and Finance Bank and its partners.
Timur is someone who takes product sales and marketing seriously. He has an extensive knowledge market and actively develops new solutions for optimizing existing ideas.
At any given time, he is ready to take on as many responsibilities that he can, as pressure is not foreign to him. He organized a few events in the Moscow office and helped to sell us telecommunications equipment. He is an excellent team worker and a true, responsible leader.
I would like to say thank you very much for Timur that we have partnerships a cash back program "Polza" & instalment plan card "Svoboda" between Home Credit and Finance Bank and LG. Our cooperation has increased our sales results. I highly appreciated Timur professional skills in sales and marketing, ability to execute in a partnerships environment, his hands-on attitude. Timur is an open minded team player, always supporting his colleagues and partners. I would like to thank Timur Igamnazarov for his contributions!
Timur is a very energetic sales professional, with deep understanding from the markets he covers. He worked in my sales team helping us to grow our business to the next level. Not only he is professional hunter, but he is also a person who makes the working fun for everyone. I can highly recommend Timur to any growth driven sales teams to help to close deals and from revenues.