Every month our clients receive approvals for different grounds of residence permits: businessmen, students, reunification with their family, Blue Card, National Card, etc. But as our practice shows the most complicated and so to say, elite basis, now is Magyar card (Magyar kártya – Hungarian card).
The Hungarian Card is a special status, preferences, which gives this status, will help very much in obtaining permanent residence and citizenship to its holders. Therefore, in our daily consultations, we pay attention to the diplomas of higher education, because not all diplomas are suitable for Magyar card.
We would like to briefly tell you about another interesting case in our practice, obtaining a Hungarian card, which the migration service yesterday approved for our client.
The Hungarian residence permit was approved for 3 years – until August 2027.
- The client has a large IT business in Hungary, but the diploma of higher education is not standard for this activity.
- We contacted several times, personally met and coordinated the client’s diploma with the Hungarian state authorities.
- The case is also interesting because the client was on T3 status and changed her status to Hungarian Card.
- The documents for the Magyar Card are submitted only through the VIP department of the Budapest Migration Service.
Bottom line:
1. Submission of documents to the Hungarian migration service – at the end of August 2024.
2. At the end of September 2024, there was a light additional request for one document.
3. Positive decision on residence permit, with issuance of Magyar card for 3 years. We received a positive decision on October 2, 2024.
We have so competently conducted the preparatory process and counseled the client that the migration inspector approved the case of the client residence permit in one month! Congratulations on obtaining a Magyar card!
Also our client’s Hungarian company remains with us for business support and accounting services in our company IST Hungary.
The screenshots and the document are posted with the client’s approval.
For preparation of documents for residence permit – residence permit in Hungary, on any basis, change of residence permit status, opening of new Hungarian companies, sole proprietorships, accounting services, please contact our Hungarian consulting company IST Hungary:
☎️ +36205977777
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